

The Naturopathic Doctors at Serenity Wellness are thrilled to support you throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey.  We are here to answer your questions and to listen to your concerns and triumphs.  We will help manage common pregnancy symptoms and any more serious concerns that may arise.  Labour and delivery preparation using acupuncture is also important to consider to help promote a healthy delivery and speed recovery time.

You can start care at any point during pregnancy, but is best paired with a pre-conception care program.

We recommend having an appointment early in your first trimester, and then again around 12 weeks, 20 weeks and 30 weeks.  Starting at 35 weeks we recommend weekly acupuncture until baby arrives (we will cover naturopathic topics and supports at these visits, in addition to the acupuncture treatment).

Visits can be added as required based on individual need.  We recommend weekly acupuncture in the first trimester if you have an IUI or IVF assisted pregnancy or if there is a history of recurrent miscarriage.

We can’t wait to welcome you and your new baby to Serenity Health!