Iron Infusions

Iron Infusions

Iron deficiency:
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide, affecting 1 in 4 people. Iron is an essential mineral, playing a vital role in red blood cell development and transportation of oxygen to the cells and tissues of our body.

Who is affected:
Women are at a particular risk for iron deficiency, as women lose iron through menstruation. Furthermore, the requirements of iron increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Other population groups at risk of iron deficiency include those who may under consume iron such as vegans and vegetarians, and those with digestive concerns impacting absorption, including inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease,

Iron deficiency symptoms:
The symptoms of iron deficiency are numerous, including the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Pale skin
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Shortness of breath
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Mood disorders including depression and anxiety
  • Heart palpitations
  • Mouth symptoms including glossitis (smooth tongue) and angular cheilitis (cracks in corner of mouth)

Why does it matter?
As you can imagine, or perhaps are experiencing yourself, the symptoms of iron deficiency can be debilitating to everyday life and impact your overall health! It is a principle of naturopathic medicine to treat the root cause of illness – which may be iron deficiency!

1 in 4 women are iron deficient. Those who have a monthly menstrual cycle lose approximately 1mg of iron per menses. During pregnancy, >1000mg of iron is used. It is important that a woman is iron sufficient going into pregnancy for best pregnancy outcomes and postpartum recovery. If you are already iron-depleted going into pregnancy, it will be difficult to increase (or even maintain) your iron stores during pregnancy with iron supplementation. This means you may have to receive an iron infusion prior to birth.

Options to replete for iron stores
Oral iron supplementation is what we typically trial first for iron repletion. However, iron supplements are not well tolerated by some – it can cause nausea, abdominal cramping and constipation. Furthermore, iron supplementation may not be sufficient to increase iron stores in some individuals. A safe, effective alternative is iron infusions.

Why iron infusions?
Iron infusions are a safe, effective way of increasing iron levels, often with just one treatment. You may be a candidate for an iron infusion if you have suboptimal ferritin levels are:

  • Unresponsive or intolerant of oral supplementation, or
  • Experiencing digestive concerns causing poor iron absorption, or
  • Experiencing ongoing iron loss (ex: heavy menstrual bleeding)

What is the process to receive an iron infusion?

You can self-refer or have a doctor refer you for a consultation regarding iron infusion therapy. In the consultation, your recent labs, your symptoms, and the safety of iron infusions will be reviewed. You require bloodwork that was completed in the last 3 months. If you do not have bloodwork, we can requisition it.

Who is eligible?
Those with a ferritin <100ug/L, with symptoms of iron deficiency and who are intolerant or unresponsive to iron supplementation. The dose of the iron will be selected based on your ferritin level.

What are the types of iron infusions offered?

Non-pregnant patients receive Monoferric – a typical dose of 1000mg. Typically, just one treatment is required.

In pregnant patients, Venofer 200mg is used, and typically 4-5 infusions are needed to replete stores.

What about cost?
The infusion appointment at Serenity Health is completed by an ND and may be covered through your insurance plan under naturopathic medicine benefits.

The iron prescription (Monoferric or Venofer) may be wholly or partially covered through your drug coverage plan.

Curious if an iron infusion is right for you? Do you have questions about the process or the cost? Speak with your doctor or ND, and book a complimentary phone call with Dr. Jenna Scott, ND to discuss your options.