IV Vitamin Therapy

IV Vitamin Therapy

What is IV Nutrient therapy?
Intravenous (IV) therapy and intramuscular (IM) injection of vitamin and minerals enables rapid delivery of nutrients into the circulatory system. By giving nutrients in this way, the gastrointestinal tract and liver are bypassed and nearly 100% of nutrients are absorbed. This allows the body to replenish nutrient stores in an efficient and timely manner. IV therapy and IM injection allow the administration of higher concentrations of nutrients in a safe and effective manner that may not otherwise be possible by oral supplementation.
IV therapy administers substances through the vein. Intramuscular (IM) injection of nutrients (i.e., vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin B Complex) allows for higher absorption of nutrients through the skin and muscle which acts as a built-in time-release delivery system. Higher amounts of nutrients can be absorbed over a period compared to oral administration.

What are the benefits of IV Nutrient therapy?
Both IV therapy and IM injection of nutrients can be extremely beneficial for individuals who are severely depleted or in need of high and rapid absorption of nutrients. If you struggle with digestive issues that can compromise intestinal absorption (i.e. IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis), IV therapy and vitamin injection can allow 100% absorption of nutrients and be extremely beneficial. This gives tremendous therapeutic value over oral supplementation of nutrients for these individuals and is therefore highly recommended.
If you are generally healthy and are interested in anti-aging and preventative medicine, you may also benefit from IV therapy. It can provide the delivery of powerful antioxidants that can help to reverse oxidative stress and prevent pre-mature aging and degenerative disease.

What does IV Therapy look like for you?
Your naturopathic treatment plan will always be individualized to you and your treatment goals. We may need to support specific deficiencies, or our goal may be to complement your overall therapeutic response. In any case, the consideration of IV nutrient therapy (and/or IM injections), as well as the appropriate vitamins, minerals, botanicals, electrolytes, and antioxidants that are prescribed for you will be a component of your entire holistic and individualized treatment plan.
To request an IV therapy session or IM vitamin injection, please contact our office at 604-492-0815 or email us info@serenityhealthclinic.com.